Service Learning Research

Interview Part II

Interview Part I


MY question research is "How should the government and the agency treat homeless youth and make their life style better?"

           In 5\18\2011, I went to the Interfaith Sanctuary with my group(Mutlaq,Naif,Salman,Samah, and Mansour). Interfaith Sanctuary Housing Services is a collaboration of people of faith and people of conscience who have joined together to shelter and serve individuals and families with children who are experiencing homelessness in Boise, Idaho. he shelter is located at 1620 W. River Street (just past the skatepark on 16th before the River Street light. Entrance is on Cooper Court behind Corpus Christi Day Shelter. We arrived at 5.35 pm. Labe was already there, and he is the first one we met. Labe welcomed us, and then he gave us orintation and a tour around the community. Once we done with the orientation and the tour, we met Lisa. Lisa is the boss of the community, and she is so frindly. the next step was placing us in different positions. Mutlaq and Naif placed on the registration, and all what they had to do is checking the homeless attendance and their beds. Salman and Mansour were serving soup for the homeless. Samah was distrubiting the coffee and the water cups. And me, I have been placed on a disk to answer the calls, and to give the homeless their medication. Generally, volunteering in Interfaith Sanctuary is a nice experience. Some of what I observed is that the homeless were as a family. The homeless were playing, eating, joking, talking, and helping each other. They are so organized and perfect with taking their medication. On the other hand, lanch time is between 6 pm and 8 pm, and then a few of them leave and the rest of them sleep until 7 am. I noticed something great which is when they finished eating they cleaned up their place by them self. By the end, I would like to say that I saw an Arabic man with the homeless which I didn't expect it.

In 5\18\2011 I looked through Albertson Library website for an articular about the homelessness, and I came up with this articular:

The homelessness is an aspect of my research which based on the Interfaith Sanctuary Community, and I chose this community to work in, because I like to help, and also I have a curiosity to know about the homelessness life.

authoritative websites:

Family Shelter:

The Interfaith Sanctuary:


Homeless Number Alarming:

Poverty: K through homeless

magazine articles:

The real face of homelessness:

A night on the streets:

Website with low credibility

Homelessness in the United States: